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Всего результатов: 2900
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Изобр.ПартномерПроизводительОписаниеDatasheetRoHSФункция сортировать по убываниюТемпература открытия Температура закрытия Точность Диапазон температур Номинальный ток Номинальное напряжение Продукт
3L09-27White-RodgersТермореле Open 220, Close 200F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-28White-RodgersТермореле Open 210, Close 180F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-3White-RodgersТермореле Open 140, Close 110F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-4White-RodgersТермореле Open 150, Close 130F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-5White-RodgersТермореле Open 160, Close 140F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-6White-RodgersТермореле Open 170, Close 130F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-7White-RodgersТермореле Open 175, Close 145F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-8White-RodgersТермореле Open 180, Close 160F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L09-9White-RodgersТермореле Open 190, Close 170F Brd Mnt LimitControlНет
3L12-130White-RodgersТермореле Safety Switch-Manual Reset,OpenOnRise130FНет
3L12-240White-RodgersТермореле Safety Switch-Manual Reset,OpenOnRise 240Нет
LM26CIM5-TPA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле ACCURATE,FACTORY PRESET THERMOSTATНет+/- 3 CDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5-ZHATexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125ДаDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-DPB/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-HHD/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-NPA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-SPA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-VPA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-XHA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-XPA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-YHA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-YPA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-YPE/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch (no analog output) 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5X-ZHA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Factory preset trip point temperature switch with analog output 5-SOT-23 -55 to 125НетDigital Thermostats
LM26CIM5-YHA/NOPBTexas InstrumentsТермореле Accurate Factory Preset ThermostatНет20 mA5.5 VDCThermostats
